Ritz & Balcony, Saturday, May 20, 2006

think i've put on another 2kg. know why? feasted at Ritz Carlton for brunch. Peiremo's lady boss's birthday was held there and it was a surprise party. the birthday song was played and we welcomed her in. she definitely was shocked yet happy to realise that her birthday was celebrated amongst so many people. after she cut the cake, the feasting began!

there was all kinds of food ranging from breakfast cereals to omelettes to shark's fin soup, salmon, oyster and even lobster! obviously i took the good food...hehe...but honestly, the lobster meat was kinda tough...wasn't fantastic considering it to be lobster meat...

here's a glimsp on what was kinda going on...

this was the overall decor...thank goodness i managed to stay calm, considering that the ballons were placed all over the food!

this is the soup counter, shark's fin and tomatoe consume

this was where all the oysters, salmon, lobster, etc (raw food) were placed. the chef was even standing behind the counter prying open the oysters! freshness!

well, i ate so much that i felt really unconfortable (yeah i know i'm a glut). we headed off to Marina Square to watch Over the Hedge (conbination of corny and kiddy) cos we knew The Davinci Code was sold out...i really wanna catch that movie but i guess it has to wait till next week...

there was quite a lot of happening at Marina Square. Xin Hui & Kelvin (Project Superstar) were there performing...they sang a few songs and that was about it. then later they had kids dancing to the grooves of R&B and even singing!

kids nowadays...during my time, we all had stage fright! much less sing and dance in front a crowd!

i was so full i couldn't stuff myself any further. he had his whoper meal and i munched on a few crisscut fries at BK. we headed off to The Balcony for a drink or two and had a good chat...really gonna miss him when at Tekong...

Avril, 11:28 PM

Fat Saturday, Sunday, May 07, 2006

went to Tanjong Pagar Park with Peiremo yesterday afternoon and had a romantic lunch : ) i brought tuna from home and he bought bread, we had tuna sandwiches at the park. sweet ; ]

after that, we walked to China Square for a cuppa. it was very nice & cosy there. good place for R&R.

we both had a coffee and shared a pear and almond tart. the tart was sweet so it goes very well with black coffee.

we met the 'kids' at Lau Pa Sat. had a few sticks of satay and chicken wings before Faizal arrived. He suggested going to Cafe Vienna for buffet dinner.

food was pretty alright. would give it 3 thumbs up for variety and taste. the boys were having a hard time keeping their voices down cos they are always so rowdy. they were whispering in low voices and even showing real good behaviour for once! haha...but as expected, they couldn't hold the 'fire' down. check this out...

maybe Osama's newphew dropped by for dinner and so did his right hand man...geez~

the 'kids' were actually tasting oysters for the first time and you should have seen how cute they were. the way the asked how it is suppose to be eaten and the way the gulped it down! haha...

they might have been noisy and all but we all had our fair share of laughter = D

Avril, 4:55 PM

BUSY!, Wednesday, May 03, 2006

geez~ i really wanna blog but thing is i got nothing to blog about!

it's like, wake up, go to work, come back, sleep and this routine goes on and on...even on weekends when i'm out with him, i dunno wat to blog about especially when we just sit down and spend time together...guess i've really lost touched with blogging ever since i've started work...

nonetheless, i look forward to every weekend spent with him : )

Avril, 9:29 PM