sleeping cum lazing beauty, Friday, March 31, 2006

Wed night was fantastic! went to Zouk wif Melisse, NanXing & others.

we took off in a taxi to Dbl O first for free drinks but we only had 3 and disappeared to Zouk. when we were there, the guys got drunk and the girls had to watch out for them.

surprisingly the music at Zouk wasn't tat bad tat night. think maybe cos i was there...hehe = p

anywaysss....i slept over at Melisse's place. had like only 2 hrs of slp cos came back at 4am and woke up at 6.45am cos Melisse had to go to work. i left earlier than her cos i went to meet Peiremo at Boon Lay to send him to work (see, i'm so sweet!).

took a bus back home, did the laundry, slacked in front of my notebook watching Stargate Atlantis, had lunch and slept like a log. apparently my mom's fren rang the doorbell a couple of times but the dead-like-a-log me didn't hear it at all.

basically, i was tired so the whole day was spent either lazing in bed or in front of the tv/notebook.

but...i did go and collect a tv from my neightbour. she said her fren doesn't need it anymore but it is still in good working condition. so my mom & i went to collect the tv from her place. being such nice people, we definitely would have nice neighbours. one of our neighbours carried the tv right into our house! so nice of him : )

oh well, at least my mom & i need not do the carrying else we might drop it cos she keeps making me laugh = D

Avril, 1:57 PM

black attack!, Tuesday, March 28, 2006

yesterday my hair color was this

and today, my hair has been dyed an exciting...

as you can see i'm not that pleased at all. just because of my stupid job, i had to dye my hair jet black. look like some china girl...damn~

anyway, no point harping over it cos i only dyed it for $39! cheap right?! haha...for that kind of price to dye it black, i have no complains : )

Avril, 11:30 PM

thy festing and yelling shall begin!, Saturday, March 25, 2006

this picture depicts 2 very-bloody-up-to-thy forehead full idiots making a fool of themselves cos maybe the food has been drugged...

i'm just kidding...we went to Ritz Carlton for lunch cos his boss's daughter birthday was celebrated at the ballroom (yes if you are wondering, they are freaking rich!). we therefore stuffed ourselves cos we firstly wanted to eat every bit that our present cost, and we knew we poor shags can't afford to eat there in another 2 years or so. maybe just the scraps. hehe... ; p

in the evening, we headed off to J8 to catch the Liverpool vs Everton match. we had to sit on the floor cos there were no chairs but hey, it wasn't that bad as we were not only entertained by Power Cruising DJs, the crowd rather was happening and we received free gifts too! (hehe...i know i'm a cheapo and i admit it)

yes, this is a picture of me stuffing myself with a bento...i dun believe i ate so much today! i'm turning into a glut...damn it...

i sabotaged Zun to participate in one of the games. he didn't had to do much but just header a ball to another person and that person headers the ball back to the DJ. he got $60 worth of Bata vouchers! damn! can buy a pair of Adidas by just topping up another $30!

when the game begun, the yelling commenced. the first half was ok. stupid everton player header the ball in for Liverpool! dumbass...anyway, in the 47th minute, Luis scored a goal and Kewell scored another in the 84th minute...all in all, 3 is to 1! wippie! Cahill scored a goal for Everton in the second half but who cares! we obviously yelled a lot when Liverpool scored and when Everton's players received a red/yellow card. it was fun all in all : )

Avril, 11:38 PM

getting poetic,

you are my love, my soul, my everything
with you around my heart keeps beating
the times we share, forever reminiscing
like the stars in the sky always glistening

in my heart you'll always stay
never would i tuck u away
please love me as much as i love you
if not i'd fall faster, it's not a lie but all true

p.s. pls tell me u love me

Avril, 2:06 AM

a special space in my heart goes to granny, Friday, March 24, 2006

i accompanied granny to Mount Alvernia Hospital today to remover her stitches on her knee cap down to her lower limb. she went through an operation 2 weeks ago for varicose veins.

just in case you do not know what is varicose veins, they are enlarged veins that can be flesh colored, dark purple or blue. they often look like cords and appear twisted and bulging. they are swollen and raised above the surface of the skin. they can be treated either through sclerotherapy, normal surgery or even laser, provided your condition isn't that complexed.

in the case of my granny, she had to go through normal surgery as her veins were all knotted in a 'ball'. it is that bad if you ask me...well, this surgery has eased or more like remove the pain totally from her right leg and she can sit, squat and stand without difficulties.

i was out at the back yard helping to fold the dry clothes when my neighbour came out to do the same. she made a comment: "how fast time flies isn't it? when Avril was small, she used to take the brolly with her and follow behind you as you keep the clothes!"
my granny replied: "yes, we even laughed at her! indeed she has grown. she is even a head taller than me now!"
and the both of them laughed and went on and on about me on the things i did when i was young. sometimes, i find it funny too. i loved to take the brolly and sit at the back yard in a corner when it is rainning. i'd pretend i was in a tent and protecting myself from the rain. just blogging about this made me pause and smile. no doubt i may have been a lonely kid (being the only child), i loved the games i played on my own.

there are many other things that i've done that are equally amusing. i just love the times i spent with granny : )

Avril, 10:12 PM

geez~, Wednesday, March 22, 2006

what's on the menu? hmmm...our speciality is Fuck to fry the cow river, Meal egg soup the brisket gets the river powder, The black cow silk fries the idea powder or Fuck to burn the of.

oh wait, how abt this: Thousand enrich the special features three text cure, Living to fry the beef rice, Nepoleon fries the idea powder & The bureau swallows to take the fish idea powder.

which of the following sounds delectable? for me...NONE! they all sound crappy! haha...ah bian sent me this email and i thought i must blog abt it. not that i'm racist or what but these China people need some schooling! u can't just directly translate the meaning from mandarin to english or try to make out the word but comparing which one has the closest sound matches. this is hilarious man! haha...oh well, they definitely need upgrading...

Avril, 11:42 AM

cam whore, Tuesday, March 21, 2006

guess what Melisse and i ate yesterday?

u guessed it right man...Sakae Sushi! haha...we are forever eating the same thing man! anyways, after stuffing ourselves, we went pressie hunting! needed to buy a present for a 9 yr old girl and we got just the right thing. educational historical VCDs : ) thing is, no doubt it says it's for kids age 7 to 11, it says it is gross and gory! geez! i wouldn't wanna imagine but hell, it's meant for the birthday girl not me!

Peiremo suggested we make copies of the VCDs. well, i definitely won't as it is 'gross, gory & educational' i wonder if the distributers are aware that the sales line ain't that tacky...

i discovered a book that has a corny title...'What to Expect When You Are Expecting'. weird man! of cos pain, mood swings, maybe even depression & obviously a baby! mysterious~

as usual...came home and started my usual doing...CAM WHORING! haha...nowadays i'm free, i can afford it. if ur wondering what are the pics i took, obviously they are no other than of self indulgence...
.Posted by Picasa

Avril, 12:18 PM

what a Sunday!, Monday, March 20, 2006

wippie! i didn't work this Sunday! hehe...

my usual Sunday always starts out with church service at 9.45am. being in the choir means i gotta reach there by 9.20am. as usual, the vainning at home caused me to be late = p

Gen, Carol & i had to stay back after church for meeting with Aunt Rosa on the planning of hymns for the 2 weeks after. but Sarah, Dom, Steph, Yvonne, Julia & General stayed back too so we had more company : ) no doubt we were singing away more than planning, we still got the job done.

met Peiremo at Harbour Front in the late noon to head down to Sentosa for a picnic. we had sandwiches, twisties, cookies & curry puffs! we were there till like 7ish then we headed off for dinner. u wouldn't wanna imagine the amount of people that we heading home at that time too. they were like in herds!!! huge ones too!!!

in between when we were at, and about to leave Sentosa, the siren of the ambulance seemed to follow us. not once, but twice! looks like people ain't feeling too well...didn't know what really happened the first time the ambulance came but we saw an middle aged indian lady lying on one of the benches at the Visitor Departure Centre on the second. most likely she fainted, due to what, i have no clue cos i didn't get the chance to question her. hehe...

well, that's all for my 'drama-mama-san diwara' Sunday : )

P.S: being the blur & overly excited me, i thought i'm having my driving test tml morning. actually, it's the week after! lucky i checked, if not i'll be making a fool of myself tml morning at SSDC...

Avril, 12:01 AM

getting stuffed!, Tuesday, March 14, 2006

does this look like a lot of food to you? guess how many people this portion fed?

haha! Melisse as usual said she will go on a diet, but i've been hearing that phrase for like 3 yrs! and whenever we head out, we always get ourselves stuffed! what a contridictory statement towards her actions...haha...i'm no better la = p

as usual, our Ms Ong had her cravings for Gelare. lucky both of us couldn't eat anymore. otherwise, the amount of calories we would have piled up tonight would be monsterous!

we took a walk down to far East and after much consideration, i bought a pair of boots. i had to think so much on buying it cos i was wondering if i would wear them often. Melisse liked it too so i told her why not she take them home and she wear them since i believe she would do so more often than i. she felt bad so she brough up the idea of spiltting the cost of the boots. she kept saying i was very generous, i paid for it than ask her bring home to wear. haha...since we both like the same thing, share la! *winks*

to our horror on our way back, Melisse texted me to tell me that the stupid sales AUNTIE (i stress the word AUNTIE) gave us the wrong size! we wanted size 38 but she gave us 39! so dumb! now Melisse has to go back tml to change the size...if we had known, we would have checked the size of the boots before leaving the store...

Avril, 11:34 PM

IT Show, Monday, March 13, 2006

the IT Show at Suntec can only be described as CHAOTIC!!! it's like the WHOLE S'PORE is there! not only were there major road jams but 'human jam' too! u would see people flooded everywhere! in exhibition halls (duh~), escalators & even the washrooms.

well, urs dearly worked on the weekend for the IT Show and i tell u, my feet is killing me. i had to stand for like 10 hrs through (no sitting or resting mind u). even our meal times is like haywire. we haf our so called 'lunch-cum-dinner' at 5.30pm. we dun leave the place till like 10.15pm earliest cos we gotta go thru debriefs and stuff. u might think i've made it big this time at the IT Show but i tell u, i've not. there are 40 blinking promoters at the booth so tell me how to get sales! of cos, there is plenty of bitching going ard. the pretty ones with make-up always try to snatch customers from us. this bitch did it 3 times and i felt like slapping her with a large trout! anyway, since she likes to flirt ard to get sales, i might as well suggest to the supervisor that she do her sales in a bikini!

well, the IT Show sure didn't pay off cos after all that standing and talking, i'm only bringing home peanuts...

Avril, 5:50 PM

say hello to the cook ; ), Friday, March 10, 2006

hehe...recently i have been cooking quite a bit! i cooked dinner last night cos mom & Seanne weren't feeling well so i volunteered to do so. as u can see, it's a simple fare. nothing too difficult.
let me now introduce the dishes : )
onion omelette. kinda burnt though cos the fire was too high and i wasn't fast enough to flip it over.
stir fried pork with green apple. i know the gravy looks kinda gooey tats because of the corn starch. corn starch makes the meat softer thus it is a must when cooking this dish or any other dishes.
if u hate/dislike broccoli, i tink this dish is not for's flooded with broccolis, carrots, button mushrooms & prawns. since i love veggies, i gobbled down the most of this dish! = D

Avril, 12:10 PM

Today's lunch is by ME!, Wednesday, March 08, 2006

does the food look good? if so, i cooked it! hehe...
well, Seanne wasn't feeling well so i whipped up lunch. there were only 2 of us so i juz fried the cabbage with fish cake and did a simple soya suace chicken. it's really easy to cook them juz that preparing it was a hassle.
i know this topic i'm blogging on is kinda dumb but erm juz wanna show off that i can cook. end this, i'll leave u with a picture of a juicy chicken drumstick. enjoy! = D

Avril, 3:55 PM

Rattle on...,

Rattle on Topic 1:
Bringing down the house

my Peiremo called so we had our usual mushy-dushy talk *blushes*. he got tired, went off to slp and i needed to do something to entertain myself!
anyway, i decided to watch the movie "Bringing down the house" by Queen Latifah and Steve Martin. didn't catch it when it was in the theatres years ago, but it's a movie that will never grow old with times. funny, witty & groovy! if u haven't seen it, go watch it. dun wanna spoil the show for ya ; )

Rattle on Topic 2:

oh gosh...i know this is the time of Lent but here i am gorging myself with food! i had Sushi Tei last night and now i had seafood!
Aunt Sally wanted to give me a treat on completing my finals so we headed off to Seafood No SignBoard Restaurant. i know the restaurant's name sounds weird but hey, they were fully booked! in fact, according to Aunt Sally, if u don't make a reservation, u won't get a table! what a contridiction to its name!
anyway, granny, aunties & i stuffed ourselves with White Pepper Crab, Homemade Beancurd, Mix Vegetables, Steamed Garrupa & Seafood Yam Roll. Sounds little but it was a whole lot of it man! *phew* thank goodness my jeans didn't burst...(and yes i know i am a glut = p)
and i officially need to go on a DIET cos this 2 days of feasting has made me FAT!

Rattle on Topic 3:
Animal Abuse

if u have read the Straits Times today, u would have seen this case of an insane, sick, perverted & sadistic man torture a month and a half yr old kitten! i mean, how sick can it get?! he rubbed her eyes till it bled and protruded!!! she had to be put down because of her serious injuries. i wish that man had more than just 3 mths of jail term. he should be jailed for a MIN of 2 yrs, fined $50,000 AND given 6 strokes of the cane. alternatively, be tortured the same way the kitten was. i HATE people who are so sick! the kitten is innocent! go vent ur bloody anger some where else...

Rattle on Topic 4:
Murder on the rise

what's happening to the world? first it was the KTV bose killing, then little Noinoi and now, i think someone died again! i wasn't very sure of what i heard (cos it was on the 10pm mandarin news and u know my mandarin ain't the best) but i think i heard someone killing someone over a handphone? if what i heard was correct, WHAT THE F*** IS WORNG WITH U PEOPLE?! u mean now u kill each other over a blinking communicative device?! GEEZ!~
i hope when i find out tml, this isn't as bad as what i think. i really hope people will get more EDUCATED AND CIVILIZED and not turn to such abusive solutions.
i think now the so called 'traditional & crappy' wish/statement that all Miss Universe(s) say regarding 'World Peace' sure has proved to make itself true & significant in this violent & corrupted world...

Avril, 1:50 AM

Feasting time!, Tuesday, March 07, 2006

Tai Yaki Ice Cream
Ebi mentai
Age Dashi Tofu
Mix Tempura
Sashimi Salad

lets see...we had a hell a lot to eat! hehe...we went to Sushi Tei, Holland Village to stuff ourselves cos we wanted to celebrate Seanne's birthday.
we started of with Sashimi Salad and headed off with Tempura. After which we had Age dashi Tofu and Ebi mentai. we also had Golden Roll, Una Don & California Roll but we gluts ate it up before i could take a snap! haha...
after stuffing ourselves, we had Tai Yaki Ice Cream. a fishy like batter wif red bean ice cream. looks normaly but it's heaven to me! (i'm easy to please right? hehe...)

we were full to the brim so we decided to take a drive to Carrefour at Suntec to walk it off a bit. after which we headed down to Scruffy Murphy's Cafe & Pub for a drink. Seanne & i had a glass of Kilkenny and mom had her cuppachino. we sat there for a while till we finished our drinks.

as i wanted to buy my shampoo and foam bath, we headed off to Mustafa. u'll be surprised tat there are so many people even on a monday!

well, the minute i reached home, i took a shower and dived into bed only to wake up now to blog what happened last nite : )

Avril, 12:11 PM

end of exams, Thursday, March 02, 2006

congrats to me!

i have finally completed 3 yrs of poly education : )

i dunno if tats a gd thing or a bad thing but i kinda still prefer sch life. i'm gonna miss the fun wif my classmates and of cos them too!

but i can't feel any happier cos the exams tat i've been whinning and dreading are finally over!

melisse & i went out to celebrate after the paper. the pics are wif her thou so when she has sent them to me, i'll upate u guys but i bet she'll update her's first so if u can't wait, check out her blog = D

Avril, 11:10 PM

, Wednesday, March 01, 2006

i know this photo is way overdue but this is my meow meow : ) nice green eyes and pretty face!  Posted by Picasa

Avril, 11:39 AM