office work sucks, Tuesday, October 18, 2005

i used to think that maybe...just maybe office jobs ain't that boring but actually it is! i can't stand it man! i have to put my ass on the chair for 8hrs! damn~ i still love the great outdoors : )

Avril, 2:45 PM

basic music thoery, Tuesday, October 11, 2005

recap of today's events...
got a wake up call at 7.54am from Helmy and then my alarm rang at 8am. still felt sleepy so slacked in bed till 8.15am. got my heavy ass off the bed, grab clothes from closet and rushed to the bathroom. came out of bathroom at 8.40am and realised i was surely going to be late. started to pack my bag and do my hair. Melisse called at 9am saying she juz woke up! haha...anyway we decided to meet at Dover at 10am. i left the house at 9.15am and headed off to catch 165. bus came, boarded and dropped off at Holland V. i thought i was going to be late so took a cab from Holland V down to sch. reached at 10am exactly but Melisse arrived at 10.20am!
by the time we reached the basic music thoery class, we were 30mins late! lucky we were not told off by the person-in-charge. as usual, we talked throughout the class! then again we were not scolded.
after the so-boring-i'm-only-there-for-the-cca-points class, we headed off to Marina Square to eat Genki Sushi. walked ard for a while and Melisse bought a purple top. went to Fave Nails to do the $11 parafin wax on our feet. it was ticklish when she started scrubbing the soles of our feet and then our feets were soaked in wax which was rather hot. i couldn't tell the difference before and after the wax but hell, it's only $11...after which we headed home cos we have got to go to sch tml at 9am! argh!

Avril, 8:25 PM

, Sunday, October 09, 2005

Damus, Sanjay & me! such cuties!!! Posted by Picasa

Avril, 11:56 PM


i love Lorainne! she was the model i looked after for the whole fashion week. she is so nice! Posted by Picasa

Avril, 11:55 PM


Juan & me Posted by Picasa

Avril, 11:54 PM


Florin aka Peter Pan & me before the show Posted by Picasa

Avril, 11:53 PM


the tide is high and i'm holding on~ Posted by Picasa

Avril, 11:52 PM


kids on the runway! Posted by Picasa

Avril, 11:51 PM


the guys going crazy back stage Posted by Picasa

Avril, 11:50 PM

taka fashion show,

i really love my weekend! the Taka anniversary fashion week was superb. no doubt the job was tough as in like having to return the borrowed shoes, steam the clothes, bring the so-damn-heavy-and-many clothes rack down, make sure the models clothes are in place, dress up the models, making sure they are prepared and pretty for the catwalk and after that clear up the clothes, shoes and bring them up to the store! it sounds easy but ur soles will hurt like crazy and so does ur ankles! apart from the pain, i really had fun man.
i love all the female models especially Lorainne. Ruby, Tanja, Antonette and Delia were very nice people too! but i didn't like Andrea cos she was so stuck up...whatever~ lucky i only had to face her for 1 show.
Francis, Juan & Florin are crazy boys! they are the entertainment during breaks man! they crap ard and make the show so enjoyable! love those guys man. then again, there were stuck up male models too but i was not in charge of them...hehe~
i love the kids too! they are so cute and so pretty! i dealt with the boys and i tell you, Sanjay, Will & Thomas are extremely hugable! u juz wanna bring them home! haha~
i might be doing fashion week again but not at Taka...tink it's at Raffles, but not confirmed. I CAN'T WAIT TO DO IT AGAIN! : )

Avril, 11:42 PM

fuck u!, Monday, October 03, 2005

FUCK YOU, FUCK YOU, FUCK YOU!!! who is the childish one here? u wanted to break, fine! leave it! why bother to sms me and tell me crap when it is NONE OF YOUR FUCK-ALL BUSINESS! go to hell la! u can go fuck whoever u like but don't ever msg me again! i really HATE you to the core now. actually after the break up, i left us aside and i didn't hate you. now u gotta make things worst and make me HATE YOU! shit u! GO FUCK OFF!!!

Avril, 10:47 PM