alot of happenings, Wednesday, August 31, 2005

well...been quite some time since i updated my blog. a lot have been happening these pass few weeks & i dunno where to start from. anyway, i dun wish to elaborate. to cut it short, a lot has happened btw me & stephen & my mom. yup, tats all i wanna say. my close frens would know what i'm talking abt...
now after C Law CA, the rush of IAP has begun...been putting it aside cos of CAs but now, no more delaying can be's due next week! yeeks!~ i dunno how we r gonna handle but i believe we can do it! haha...i hope so...i better pray & work hard...

Avril, 10:52 PM

CF CA, Tuesday, August 16, 2005

CF CA was a breeze man! freaking easy! wohoo~ but i hope i dun get over confident cos i really wanna get an A for this...

Avril, 11:42 AM

birthday & other events, Saturday, August 13, 2005

*takes in a deep breath* i can now finally blog about what have been happening these pass few days.
Stephen had 4 off days last week so i spent most of my time with him. went out on Sat to catch Wedding Crashers. i would say it's a kinky romantic comedy? it's very heart warming towards the end but wild at the beginning *winks*
met Stephen again on Sun after church and watched The Island. must say the story line is kinda interesting and thrilling. but i somehow did some reflection and thought to myself what would happen if that really took place in the future? it juz sends cold chills down my spine and goosebumps all over! after the show, i headed to gran's for a family celebration with my uncle, aunts & my naughty cousins. the steamboat was wonderful & so was the company.
monday was a sit home dinner cum cut cake at home celebration. mom cooked my favourite food and we dined in at home. nothing tastes as gd as home cooked food : )
tuesday, Stephen celebrated my birthday for me. i really had a gd time. we watched Charlie & the chocolate factory. muz say it is rather cute & funny but duh~ at some parts. hehe~ we went shopping and had italian food for dinner. i juz wished that the day wouldn't have ended tat quickly.
audit has juz ended but CF is on its way & many more to come! i hate the CAs...
oh, nearly forgot. i'm really happy that Jasmine has joined our IAP grp = D

Avril, 12:29 AM

, Friday, August 05, 2005

i think there is no one sexier & hotter than Jessica Alba. if there is, pls let me know. ok, i sound 110% lesbian, but i'm not! cos i love Stephen : ) Posted by Picasa

Avril, 1:02 AM

brand new sch term, Monday, August 01, 2005 1 week sch term juz wizz passed like a snap of a finger...i literally dragged myself out of bed! i was kinda hesitating but the thought of IAP made me jump out of bed instantly.
no doubt today is a brand new sch term, there sure are alot of things to do. of cos, these things r related to IAP...
i really gotta brush up on my sch work & results. this is my last yr & i better make the best out of it.
anyway, i muz say, i had a gd time during my 1 week term break. spent time with my gd frens, my best frens, my sec sch mates & Stephen : )

Avril, 4:31 PM