merry christmas to all & pls pray for them..., Monday, December 27, 2004

hey guys! firstly, i wanna wish all of u who r reading my blog a merry christmas! i really had a good christmas wif my church frens & not forgetting wif stephen : )
went to church on christmas eve for christams cantata and mass which ended ard 10ish. then headed off to maryanne & gabriel's place for dinner. went back ard 12ish cos i gotta cantor the next morning for christmas mass. after which, we headed off to my mom's place for a quick & simple lunch. made the springrolls wif 'christine', sam & jamie which no doubtedly we screwed up! hahaha...!
on Sun, stephen & i headed to sam's place for christmas dinner which i tot it was her b'day! gosh! so damn embarassing! but anyway, we had dinner there, played a little wacko & i headed home cos haf sch the next day.
nonetheless, i really enjoyed christmas was real fun... = )
apart from all this happiness over christmas, i would like all of u including myself to pray for those who died in the earthquake. alot of people haf died & homes destroyed. i hope God will take those who haf died into His kingdom & comfort those families...

Avril, 8:27 PM

, Thursday, December 23, 2004

look at chris stonning! he's never never seen a polar i tink! hahaha...! Posted by Hello

Avril, 10:10 PM


damn show tok so long to start sam & i fell asleep... Posted by Hello

Avril, 10:08 PM


thats a zoo pic at the entrance of the zoo!  Posted by Hello

Avril, 10:05 PM

zoo trip, Wednesday, December 22, 2004

went to da zoo today wif Von, Jamie, Sam & Chris...we sure had fun man! it was like wild! hahaha! we were taking photos, viewing animals (duh!) and...and walking??? hahaha! and Steph joined us later after band form sch...loved the outing guys!!! =D

Avril, 9:58 PM

Stephen & i r together!, Monday, December 20, 2004

18 Dec 2004...the date Stephen & i were together... = )
we went shopping in the afternoon and headed off to Cineleisure to catch National Treasure. time seemed to pass so quickly tat day...
we for caroling at the Villa FrancisHome for the Aged at Mandai on Sun and the elderly were so happy! especially 2 ladies who followed us to every level to hear us sing...i'm really happy i went cos to noe tat we brought joy to them was something tat realli warmed my heart. i believe some or even most of them dun haf visitors, tats y they r so happy when we went there...i realli hope to bring more joy to them : )
after tat, went for a BBQ wif Stephen and we kinda bummed ard but we still had fun. left early thou cos i had sch at 9am tis morning...if not, i'd had stayed longer! =D

Avril, 7:57 PM

i've rebonded my hair!, Thursday, December 16, 2004

yo! i've rebonded my hair yestersay but...the problem hair is very flat! yikes! lets hope it''ll haf more volume after a week or so...
i'm sitting in the library now and i'm literally stonning...i dun haf lessons till 3pm...damn~ guess i'm gonna rot to death...

Avril, 2:03 PM

i pierced my ears today!, Tuesday, December 14, 2004

hey pepz, i pierced my ears today! haha...i was accompanying melisse at tiong bharu plaza when there was a sudden rush of 'i wanna pierce my ears' feeling in me! and so i did! i had my left ear peirced and pierced my right ear wif another 2...damn freaking painful...*ouch* but oh well, i finally got them done! and tml, i'm gonna reborn my hair! wohoo~! happening sia!

Avril, 8:27 PM

why is blogspot in chinese?!, Sunday, December 12, 2004

u now wat? SCH'S GONNA START TML! ARGH!!! i want more holidays man! damn~ oh well, nvm la...wat to do...*sigh*
one more thing...wats with blogpsot man? why is it in chinese? i was like shocked and stoned when i open the page! lucky my cousin was ard if not i dunno wat to press!!! stupid blogspot...

Avril, 10:24 PM

chinablack, Saturday, December 04, 2004

went for my cat class gathering at Jocelyn's hm and boy it sure was a wet affair man! everyone got thrown into the water except me! hehe... after tat i met my frens to go ChinaBlack. went there ard 9 plus...still early so not many people ard...ard 11pm, the crowd started to come in and boy was it fun! we drank, danced and wohoo~ yippie! haha...! i realli had fun last nite...only thing was the music was pretty bad last nite. i hope i can do tat again b4 sch re-opens...damn~ i hate it when the holidays r gonna be over.... : (

Avril, 8:37 PM

jeff's birthday, Wednesday, December 01, 2004

i sure had fun last nite celebrating jeff's birthday and i bet he had fun too! we were screaming and shouting at KBox! thank goodness they didn't chase us out! lolx~ i even met Julien up and we had fun too! Tues nite was a great nite of fun! *winks*

Avril, 5:12 PM