after soo long!, Sunday, October 24, 2004

hellew people!!! I'm back man! After so long...heez~ anyway, been studying tats y i havent been updating my blog. Even if i was online, i dun have time to update it.
Haf loads to study for & i really hope i can do well, honestly...Am so afraid of failing after realising tat my other frens from other schs haf failed n stuff...I really hope God is with me while i'm going thru tis...

Avril, 9:11 PM

cool rainy nite, Wednesday, October 13, 2004

rain rain go away, come again another day...*shiver* it's a cold nite tonight man and here i am sitting in front of my labtop typing away...might not do so for the next mth or so cos i guess my exams will keep me real busy
i juz cant seem to decide which elective i wanna take but i guess a 99% i'll be taking IAP...I guess tats the best anyway...
gonna plunge into my books soon so take care eveyone! i'll be back! *winks*

Avril, 9:43 PM

gonna be busy, busy, busy..., Tuesday, October 12, 2004

oh man...finally done with B Law but i still haf RWPS to settle...Damn...Oh & ya, not forgetting IS?! Oh man! *shrugs*
I'm like totally worn out n STRESSED! I dunno if i can do well in my sem exam...I guess i better start pulling up those socks n start my revison...No time to waste man! I hope tat all of u who r reading my blog, pls seriously pray for me...I need loads of ur prayers...I realli do n btw, i might not update my blog as often as i used to cos i'll be busy. So in da mean while, pray for me n dun miss me eh?! lolx~ take care dudes!

Avril, 10:29 PM

tired after b law, Sunday, October 10, 2004

*sigh* did B law project today after church...wat a way to spend my sunday...damn...
anyway, sang for a wedding in church tis noon n all went well. i also accompanied Melisse to the doctors for her check up. And she said tat it didn't hurt at all! Normally when she goes for her check up, she'd always say it hurts but now, she didn't! tats gd news for her i muz say! : )

Avril, 9:56 PM

Stress period is coming..., Saturday, October 09, 2004

And finally i've updated my blog! Been a few days since i last updated it. Been really busy at sch cos of reports n preparing for exams cos they're approaching...
Quite a number of my frens smsed me today all asking me to go clubbing but apparently i cant cos the projects are holding me back. Damn...I'll surely go n haf fun after my exams! Can't wait fot tat day to come...
Got a busy day tml, gotta accompany Melisse to the docs, sing for a wedding n worst of all, GOTTA DO B LAW PROJECT! ARGH!!! On a Sunday man! *sigh* Wat to do, Mon haf to hand in. No choice...Poor me...*sobz*

Avril, 9:01 PM

Tired..., Wednesday, October 06, 2004

oh man...freakingly tired and i still haf to do my RWPS report...tis sucks big time man! still gotta rush our b law project too! *sigh* tis is the worst day of my life or shld i say the worst phrase of my life!

Avril, 8:23 PM

Depressed, Tuesday, October 05, 2004

hmmm...not in the best of moods recently cos i havent been doing well for my tests n i believe i juz haf to buck up. i really hope i can do well for my semestrals...

Avril, 4:12 PM

*sigh* damn those reports, Sunday, October 03, 2004

Hey...Didn't make a posting yesterday cos my aunt from Phuket is back and i didn't get to use the internet. Nothing much happened thou. Went to sing for a funeral yesterday in church then headed hm to do RWPS report. Watched Hero on DVD wif Granny n boy it was soo hard to understand! The chinese was so ~omg~ I totally didn't understand! I kept on bugging my granny on wat they were saying cos i couldn't even get the story line! Hahaha! So much for 'simple' chinese! Lolx~
Being my 'normal' Sunday, went to church at 9.20am, finish at ard 1.15pm n met my mom for lunch. Then i headed hm after tat n slept...Needed a gd rest cos haf been sleeping lately as i've been trying to rush my rpeort. Woke up, watched a little tv n had dinner n now am sitting in front of my Toshiba typing tis! lolx~ Oh well, gotta run now. Gotta do my report. Will update my blog tml! : )

Avril, 7:48 PM

Nightmare is finally over, Friday, October 01, 2004

My nightmare is finally over n tat is Tax & IS paper! Finally over n done with! Yippie! No doubt i tink i kinda screwed up for Tax on the non-biz source income n the donations thingy, wat to do...juz careless... *sigh* : (
Met my dad for dinner n we kinda talked abt his trip to China to work. I guess it is a good thing cos S'pore's job market isn't tat gd in comparison to China's. Juz a little worried cos he is going there alone n if something happens to him, i might not even know abt it. I guess i juz haf to pray abt this...

Avril, 11:15 PM