ARGH!!!, Thursday, September 30, 2004

Oh man...I hope i can really do well for tax man cos i'm having butterflies in me tummy already! *sigh* I hope tml's paper is not tat difficult cos i doubt i'm tat prepared for it. Not forgetting IS! Think i'm gonna for tat too cos i haven't even studied yet and i'm gonna sit for it tml...Damn...God, pls help me...

Avril, 10:46 PM

Am screwed for tax!, Wednesday, September 29, 2004

The time now is 10.16pm and I'M SCREWED FOR TAX! Am gonna die man...I know nuts on how to do the tutorials and i'm gonna sit for the paper in ard 2 days...Oh man! *sigh* Gonna call Jannah in like another 12 mins time & i hope she can increase my understanding. God...PLS HELP ME!

Avril, 10:16 PM

Steamboat at Casurina, Tuesday, September 28, 2004

*burp* Wow...Am kinda full today cos had Steamboat at this coffee shop near my place n the food was good! Juz tat the soup was kinda too salty for my liking...
Finished sch real early today ard like 3.15pm n was comtemplating whether i should go for PPRND a not n the verdict...I didn't go! lolx~ Ended up at MacDonalds in AMK for 2 hrs cos was am supposed to meet my fren at 7.30pm. But it was fruitful cos i studied tax n yea! I kinda know my work already! Yippie! =D I guess i'll do my tutorials tml n den i'm done! Muz really work hard man...Cannot afford to slack cos alot of other reports n stuff are waiting for me to complete them...*sigh*

Avril, 10:46 PM

Don Moen concert was great!, Monday, September 27, 2004

Wow! The Don Moen concert was good! The praise n worship concert was awesome. I haf never experienced anything like tat! Don was so good i could feel the presence of the Lord...I really never regretted going no doubt i was very tired.
The whole concert lasted for like 3 hrs! Wohoo~ It started at ard 7.30pm & ended at ard 10.40pm. Went for dinner at Newton Circus n had oyster omelette, rojak, satay and sugar cane. Muz say the oyster omelette tasted very different cos liquid egg was used instead. Didn't taste tat gd so had a mouthful or so n asked me mama to finish it! heez~ We went for a drive in the car after dinner n i fell asleep! Was very tired...Woke up late tis morning, had brunch, did a little housework and went to meet Melisse at 4pm at Jurong East cos she wanted to copy Tax notes n stuff. We stayed till ard 7 plus n i left for hm whilst she met her mom. Reached hm ard 8.45pm, bath, had dinner, watch tv n now i'm typing tis long story! lolx~
On the whole, i had fun yesterday n today : )

Avril, 10:32 PM

Stupid Report, Sunday, September 26, 2004

Oh man! I dun believe this...Haf been doing my dumb RWPS report since like 8+pm till now! Grr~ Can't stand it! It's like never ending! I juz hope i can finish it in time thou so tat i dun haf to worry abt it...
Anyway, was at church since 10am tis moring cos there were 2 weddings tat i needed to sing for...Cool eh?! lolx~ Anyway, the 1st couple was like wohoo~ damn classy sia! The way they dressed and the way they carried themselves, i tell u, Singaporeans can only compare wif their backsides! hahaha! Then again, they are expats so that explains their dressing. In comparison to the Singapore couple's wedding, the family and friends who turned up were dressed sloppily (expected...). But on the whole, both the weddings were romantic. How i wish my marriage would be as sweet and romantic as theirs...~

Avril, 1:03 AM

Dodgeball~!, Saturday, September 25, 2004

Yo people, if u wanna watch a movie on a guy who tinks he knows it all and has it all, den u gotta catch Dodgeball man! It's crappy! It's like "i know u know that i know u're an idiot ?!" What the hell??? hahahaha...Exactly wat i mean! lolx~
I was feeling kinda tired already in sch actually but my fren wanted to meet for dinner, so i went and we kinda tot of catching the movie...Really didn't regret it. If u need a cold laugh, tis one is for u, pal! ; D

Avril, 1:05 AM

RWPS test was like RUSH HOUR!, Thursday, September 23, 2004

Oh man...Todays RWPS test was like Rush Hour 3! All of us was like rushing thru the whole report and i was typing frantically like a mad fellow! Thx goodness the key board didn't like explofde or something. I hope i didn't screw up cos i was so engrossed in typing that i didn't haf enough time to read thru at all! Oh but well, i'll juz pray for the best i guess...
Anyway, stayed back after sch to do IS and as usual ended up either surfing net or juz stonning ard...lolx~ David is always doing all da work and i feel bad man...Oh well, nonethless i still thx God we're in da same grp, if not, i'm gonna fail IS! But David, i'll try my best to put in more effort too (tat is provided i know how to do la...lolx~)
Oh n ya, all my sec sch frens who r reading this, guess who i saw today?! Lawrence! Saw him at popular book store and he is juz as cute as ever! lolx~ If only he was older, i'll go after him! hahaha! Juz kiddin la...heez~

Avril, 9:50 PM

Thanks a million!, Wednesday, September 22, 2004

Hey pepz! As u can c, me blog has gone for a total makeover! Special thanks to Melisse & Adrian! heez~ No doubt, Melisse was fiddling here and there, it sure worked cos she manage to change my blog skin! : ) Adrian (the expert), made changes here and there to the length n width of borders and change position of text and color, etc. Thanks a million man!
Now comes the 'argh' part. Got RWPS paper tml & i hope i dun screw up for it, especially in terms of time management (tend to forget it when i'm too engrossed into da paper). Oh well, all da best friends and best of luck to me studying...

Avril, 8:29 PM

A night at Dbl O, Monday, September 20, 2004

Hmmm...Been a long time since i went clubbing & i did just that on Sat! Started out boring cos the music was like yee~ damn cannot make it but anyway, it got better & more groovy & yea, dance time! hahaha! Drank quite a lot thou...Had beer, vodka redbull, gin, bla bla bla...Dun really recalled what else! lolz~
Must tell u all something...There were like soo many hotties out there man! May it be the men or the women! Wohoo~ There was one lady who was wearing this plunging V neck top and i tell u all the men were like checking out her longkang! hahaha! There were 3 or so cute guys ard but erm, 1 was taken cos he went wif the gal friend (damn~) and for the rest, i was too shy to go over! hahaha! oh but well, honestly, gd looking guys r only for 'looking'. Gd to look at but attitude wise, betya it sucks! It's like out of every 10, only 1 has gd attitude and is nice n stuff, the other 9 are like air heads!
Anyway, i'm trying my best every now and then to update this blog so haha hope u'll c more postings then! =D

Avril, 10:22 PM

Sucked big time!, Friday, September 17, 2004

Oh man...Firstly, i wanna apologise to Melisse, Si Xian and Hui Min...If u guys r reading this, am sorry for the moody thingy...Guess stuff at hm made me react like tat. You guys including Agnes r my pals & i dun wanna loose u guys...Sorry man : )
Apart from that, Cost CA SUCKED!!! ARGH!!! Didn't haf enough time to do the paper! Oh but well, too late for regrets cos it is already over...Oh well...I guess i really haf to buck up man...

Avril, 10:08 PM

Bloody hell! Don't malign me if you have no proof!!!, Sunday, September 12, 2004

I'm juz sooo~ frustrated!!! Woke up early for church and went down to haf a drink before heading for church. I was abt to get myself a drink juz then i saw an irritaing mynah disturbing my fishes. So, with one hand holding a mug, i chased it away. But in the process, as the floor was slippery, i slipped and fell and the mug broke too. Well, i of cos cleared up the mess and headed for church (without telling my family members). When i came back, my granny asked me if i broke a mug and i told her yea i did. She then asked me which mug it was and i told her it was a tall, slim white mug that our neighbour bought for us. She then asked me if the small white mug was broken by me cos when i left the house, that mug was broken too. I told her that i didn't even touch that mug at all but she kept insisting that i did cos i always use that mug. But the problem is, i didn't even touch it this morning! I mean, i really didn't break that mug and by the way, would i be soo retarded to leave a broken mug on the shelve so that others would use it?! They later continued to add on by saying that the other items in the house were also broken by me! What the hell is this nonsense?! Haiz~ I juz dun believe it! So damn disappointed in them man...SICKOS!!!

Avril, 7:57 PM

Chatlet was fun man!, Tuesday, September 07, 2004

Well, according to Gerrad, i havent been updating my blog and it is rather true! Hahaha...Been lazy i guess = )
The chalet on Mon was real great fun no doubt i kinda grazed my knee against the sand n rock! *ouch* Played beach football wif the guys n got bumped into soo~ many times not forgetting kicking sand into each other faces! Hahahaha~ Played captains ball and it turned out to be rugby? Oh man...Tat was like...Hahaha~ Anyway, went back to the chalet for BBQ n i cooked spaghetti! Everyone wacked it clean. Thank goodness it was still edible! Lolx~ Then played a bit of mahjong, slacked ard and then zzzz...Was very tired so i fell asleep real quick...
Woke up at 7.20am to go to the Sub courts for a tour round & went for the Nicolle Highway hearing...Must say, it is very interesting and an eye opener too! Now i know y i wanted to be a lawyer since young = ) Went for luch wif Melisse & Derrick and headed home. Slept at 3pm & woke up at 7pm! Hahaha...Slept real well man cos my hp rang but i didn't hear a thing! Heez~ I had my dinner juz a while ago and now am slacking in front of my lab top typing this! kekekek~ Oh well, will make an effort to constantly update my blog...Tat is if i'm not lazy = p

Avril, 7:54 PM

AVP, Thursday, September 02, 2004

Hey people, it has been some time since i last did a posting and i muz tell ya tat AVP SUCKS! The show is horrid man! Dun ever watch it! It's a waste of time! The beginning is good but the ending is like soo lame~ Anyway, it's up to u guys to judge...

Avril, 7:28 PM