results, Wednesday, November 24, 2004

yippie yai yai yippie yippie yeh! i passed all my papers! wohoo~ no doubt the results r not up to my standard, I STILL PASSED! i was so worried i'd fail! thx God i passed...i'd better buck up next sem...tis sem is a lesson leant tat i shld always study hard...

Avril, 11:27 PM

ahh! tml is domes day!, Tuesday, November 23, 2004

oh no...tml is the most dreadful day of my is...the DAY I GET MY RESULTS! but 1 thing i wanna make it clear, it is not the PSLE results i'm talking abt...its my semester results, k? keep on getting funny comments on me taking PSLE. like "Hello?! i'm 19 already? wat the???" anyway, i really hope i can has been a long time since i felt like confidence...oh man *bitting finger nails*

Avril, 7:43 PM

worried..., Sunday, November 21, 2004

oh man...i juz can't help but worry, worry, results r gonna be out in like 3 days time! shit...i hope i can pass...EVEN IF IT MEANS ALL Ds! damn! oh well, i better to God to comfort me...

Avril, 5:20 PM

bored n broke! argh!, Saturday, November 13, 2004

oh man, tis sucks...i'm bored n i'm broke! i seriously need money man but erm i cant work! yikes! i really hope i haf money to tide me over...damn it...oh well, i'll juz pray for the best then.

Avril, 3:59 PM

Devil's bar was a disappointment man, Friday, November 12, 2004

oh man...Devil's bar on Wed was such a disappointment man...actually, it was kinda expected cos it was the eve of a public holiday. firstly, it was freakingly packed & secondly...BORING! yikes! i was like literally yawning all the way! but when i came out, i was all awake...wat an irony! hahaha! but anyway, overall, i made new frens so it wasn't tat bad...[ Ian, u better thank God i'm not blaming u ah?! hahaha...juz kiddin ; ) ]

Avril, 10:24 AM

scam on yahoo auction, Tuesday, November 09, 2004

people, if u r planning to trade on yahoo auctions, PLEASE BEWARE OF DEAD BIDDERS OR SCAMS! there are people who cheat u of ur money after u transfer the money over to their account and the rest r juz dead bidders meaning they bid for something but however they are later no longer interested n dun reply ur mails! these people are too much!!! how can they do tis! if given a chance, i'll SUE THEIR PANTS OFF! i getting too agitated? heez~

Avril, 10:47 PM

a day at the doc wif granny, Monday, November 08, 2004

hmmm...let me recall...wat did i do today? woke up early, went to the hospital with granny for her check up n guess wat? her sole is healing well! : )
after which we headed to Taka to shop & have lunch at Crystal was good & boy was i freakingly full...went shopping at the boutiques & bought a bit here & there...u noe, women...hahaha! but it was a good outing overall cos granny haven't been going out for a long time & we had fun shopping together! =D

Avril, 10:37 PM

yippie! semetrals r over!, Sunday, November 07, 2004

hey pepz! long time since i last posted man! damn freaking happy tat my exams r over but whether i will pass is another issue...hahaha! anyway, as for now, i'm gonna sit back n relax man.
hmmm...yesterday n today was a hectic one man! i was helping my mom with some catering stuff for some home n i tell u, i;m dead beat man! had only like 4 hrs of slp n worked like a dog! yikes! hahaha...but overall it was fulfilling cos we managed to cook all da food in time...thx goodness if not we would surely get screwed by the customer... : )

Avril, 7:16 PM